Digitally Signed WebApp

Starting from version 2.0.15 the uHoopla Services WebApplication uses Digital Code Signing to confirm that the software author is uHoopla, LLC and that the code has not been altered or corrupted after it was signed by use of a cryptographic hash. In other words, code signing increases the trust in the software by virtue of (a) Authentication, verifying who the author is, and (b) Integrity, verifying that the software has not been tampered since it was signed.

In order to sign the code, we use a code signing certificate issued to us by a digital security Certificate Authority. A code signing certificate is a “identity” certificate where we prove to the Certificate Authority that we are who we say who we are, by providing them information about our business by virtue of our business license, state articles or incorporation/organization, etc. To read more about digital code signing, you may start by visiting this link.