July 2012 archive

uHoopla Services WebApp Auto Upgrades

The uHoopla Services WebApp checks for upgrades each time it is started. If there is a newer WebApp version on the uHoopla server, it downloads it and asks the user’s permission to upgrade the WebApp. The auto-upgrade feature is very useful in keep our customer base upgraded to the latest version. This hassle-free feature comes …

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Digitally Signed WebApp

Starting from version 2.0.15 the uHoopla Services WebApplication uses Digital Code Signing to confirm that the software author is uHoopla, LLC and that the code has not been altered or corrupted after it was signed by use of a cryptographic hash. In other words, code signing increases the trust in the software by virtue of …

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Enhanced WebFolder feature

Users can now publish a sub-folder instead of the entire uhoopla/WebFolder to a channel.  This allows users to have better control of their published folders.  Users with multiple channels can now publish separate sub-directories to each channel.  Users with a single channel can change the associated directory based on their need.   Cheers!